Code of Practice Signatories implement the Code’s commitment for a Rapid Response System ahead of EP elections

In March 2024, signatories of the Code of Practice on Disinformation (CoP) reported on the actions they are taking or planning to take to protect the upcoming European Parliament elections. These specific measures are available in dedicated sections of their reports that can be found here.

In addition to these and in light of the upcoming elections to the European Parliament – that will take place in June this year – the Signatories of the CoP implemented a rapid response system (RRS) to streamline the exchange of information between civil society organisations, fact-checkers and online platforms – as foreseen in the Code. This collaborative initiative involves both Non-platform and Platform Signatories to ensure rapid and effective cooperation and communication between them ahead and during the election period.

The rapid response system is a time-bound dedicated framework of cooperation and communication among relevant signatories during the 2024 European Parliament election which allows non-platform signatories to swiftly report time-sensitive content, accounts, or trends that they deem to present threats to the integrity of the electoral process and discuss them with the platforms in light of their respective policies.

Signatories will report on their work related to the EP elections, including their experience on the RRS, in their upcoming reports, which will be publicly available in the Transparency Centre.